Tuesday, October 11, 2016

NMQG does FMQ!

The happy face of a blossoming free motion quilter! We had a great time at...

 the Nanaimo Modern Quilt Guild's inaugural workshop. Stacey Murton from the Vancouver MQG showed us all sorts of ideas for free motion quilting, and set us free to try it for ourselves!

Dona Mae, you've done the before, I bet!
Lori (left) getting a personal consult with Stacey.
Overall, we got good feedback about the workshop  (if you attended the workshop and haven't completed the survey we sent out, please do so we can make it as good as an experience as we can!). It sounds like some more "real world" demonstrating from Stacey would have been appreciated, including FMQ without a stitch regulator and using a domestic machine on a good-sized quilt. We'll certainly pass this on to Stacey, and use it to inform our next workshops.

Speaking of the next workshop, any ideas? Send us a message at nanaimomqg@gmail.com, or let us know at the next meeting.

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